What is Reiki?

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In-Person Reiki Healing Sessions by Molly Coeling

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In person Reiki 60 minutes scaled


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Reiki Sessions

Reiki Healing Sessions can be scheduled here. Please notegratuity not accepted.

60 minutes ($120)
90 minutes ($165)

Molly offers Reiki sessions that emphasize direct experience as a tool to develop a stronger connection to your authentic self.

Reiki refers to the energy that makes you human, the essence of who you are. Reiki also refers to a system of practices that includes hands-on and remote healing sessions, which is often what people think of when they think of Reiki. Reiki healing sessions support overall balance and a connection to the energy that is your true self, impacting your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. The most common effects people report after a Reiki session are a decrease in stress and pain, but the possibilities are too many to list.

Remote Reiki Healing Sessions by Molly Coeling

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Remote Reiki Session


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Remote Reiki Session


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8 Remote Reiki 90 minute session scaled


Remote Reiki Session


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We are all connected

Remote Reiki Sessions

Remote Reiki Healing Sessions can be scheduled here. Please notegratuity not accepted.

30 minutes ($55)
60 minutes ($100)
90 minutes ($125)

Reiki refers to the energy that makes you human, the essence of who you are. Reiki also refers to a system of practices that includes hands-on and remote healing sessions, which is often what people think of when they think of Reiki.

In Reiki Healing Sessions, you are guided to get in touch with your own inner resources through direct experience.  Reiki healing sessions support overall balance and a connection to the energy that is your true self, impacting your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. The most common effects people report after a Reiki session are a decrease in stress and pain, but the possibilities are too many to list.

What is distant reiki use if wanted

Remote Reiki Healing Sessions are structured as follows:

1.) A brief conversation (over the phone or using Zoom) to discuss any issues, goals or questions you may have;

2.) The bulk of the session, which is focused on sharing Reiki. During this time, you sit or lie down in a quiet place and tune in to what you are feeling. Molly also offers the option to stay on the line throughout the session and help guide you into a space of mindfulness and receptivity, with the option of verbal guidance offered throughout the session. This part of the session can be recorded and sent to you as an audio file for unlimited future use!

3.) A brief conversation afterward to compare experiences and answer any questions you may have.

How Remote Reiki Works - Distant Reiki

Remote Reiki, or Distant Reiki, refers to the practice of sharing the healing energy of Reiki across space and supports healing on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. In a Remote Reiki session, you are guided to get in touch with your own inner resources through direct experience.

The basic premise behind Remote Reiki is that everything is connected;  there is no separation, and our energy field not only extends beyond our physical body but in fact extends indefinitely, which means that we are constantly interacting, on some level, with the entire world. Have you ever known something was going to happen before it did? Had a prescient dream? Thought of someone and then they called you two minutes later? Experienced that sense of déjà vu when meeting someone for the “first” time?

These are all examples that support the conceptual underpinnings of remote energy work, which Albert Einstein summarized so succinctly when he said, “Space and time are not conditions in which we live; they are merely modes in which we think.”

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Nicole M Molly Distant Reiki Yelp Review June 2020

I first learned the technique of distant Reiki in 2012 in a Reiki Level 2 class. I was a bit skeptical, at first about whether there was any truth to this far out idea, and then, once I began to wrap my mind around it, I wondered if I would actually be able to do it. And now, over a decade of practice later, even after being on both ends of sessions from Chicago to Indiana, from the Dominican Republic to Chicago, from adult me to teenage me, and even after teaching this technique over the past several years, I still sometimes find it hard to believe.

This is because we live in a world that teaches us, from the moment we are born, that logic trumps inner knowing, that the Newtonian physics of separation overrules the connection demonstrated by quantum physics, that the world is a scary place in which we are all alone.

Through the power of direct experience, Reiki turns those beliefs on their head.

Just as in-person Reiki sessions at first require a stepping outside of the box, distant Reiki invites you to experience a paradigm shift that reveals – through direct experience – what so many great spiritual leaders have taught for centuries: that separation is an illusion.

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Reiki Healing Session

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