5 Tips for Celebrating the Autumn Equinox

5 Tips for Celebrating the Autumn Equinox

Molly Coeling > Blog > Chicago Reiki > 5 Tips for Celebrating the Autumn Equinox

The Autumn Equinox has arrived, (today to be exact!) and with it comes an opportunity to create some new ways of celebrating, for you and your life, as we transition away from summer.

Tip 1: Stay grounded during transition.photo 1480812494744 bfed1358a9b7

Equinox means, literally, “equal night.” Just twice a year, when the sun crosses directly over the Earth’s equator, the day and the night are of equal length. It is a perfect balance even during the transition of seasons. What a great reminder that it is possible to stay grounded even during the unsteadiness of change. Are you feeling ungrounded?

Take advantage of these comfortable late September temps and walk outside. Make it extra grounding by paying attention to each step you take, noticing how it feels to be connected to the Earth by your feet and to stay balanced as you navigate each step.
Tip 2: Find your balance. 
2be0db0b eaf1 4975 9bf8 618d745deb90Speaking of balance, Autumn is also a great time to reinvigorate your yoga practice, which may have slipped with the busyness of summer with all of its outdoor activities. I am partial to Forrest Yoga (and even got certified to teach it back in 2015) because it centers me in the physicality of my body, which is one of the best ways I know to stay present and balanced.
Consider checking out a class at Yoga Tree with Anna Schabold, Monica Kowalski, or Sarah Steimer.


Tip 3: Set intentions.

Every year around this time I find myself naturally inclined to reprioritize and set goals for the coming months – maybe because it signals the start of the school year and the end of the fun of summer.

a5601663 f859 49c6 a441 02a72d4b6082One of my priorities is to continue to dive more deeply into Reiki, and – speaking of school – I am so excited to be studying Shinpiden Reiki (Reiki Master Teacher level) with Frans Stiene of the International House of Reiki.

Although I’ve already studied this level, my intentions with this training are to expand my knowledge of the Japanese roots of Reiki and also to continue to raise my own consciousness through a commitment to my Reiki practice.

Curious? Frans also has a talk at the Japanese Cultural Center on Thursday, October 3rd – this event is open to the general public. Tickets are still available, click HERE to learn more or to register via Eventbrite.

I am excited to bring my new knowledge to the the Reiki Level 1 training that I’ll be teaching on Saturday, October 19th. Click HERE to register for the class, an early bird discount is available through 10/5!

Tip 4: Get a little witchy.

e80f22e6 8552 46a0 b7e7 8c6497d24b83By popular demand, Tina Olsen [https://tinamarieolsen.com/] and I are offering a new workshop called Intuition 101 for Humans [learn more here] workshop on Monday, October 7th.Start out autumn with new tools for honing in your intuition… (Pro tip: It’s already there just waiting for you to listen to it!Registration is open!

And in case you missed it, we still have a few select spaces for our next round of Energy 101 for Humans workshop [learn more here] on Monday, September 30th. Register now!

Tip 5: Treat yourself.

Here’s the sign you’ve 8dd6e4b0 f581 40b9 9b4b 9ffed3271c51been waiting for…
Book a session at The Space – you’ll be glad you did!

We now have three practitioners to choose from– Ashley, Sarah and me! Ashley and I offer massage, Reiki or both, and Sarah offers Reiki in addition to Transformative Insight Imagery.

You can read more about Ashley and Sarah here [About Team]. Or just go ahead and schedule HERE!